Lisa Voss PA


Kaiser Permanente
Healthy Bones Program

San Diego, CA
Appointments limited to Kaiser patients

Lisa Voss is a certified Physician Assistant (PA-C) in The Healthy Bones Program at Kaiser Permanente, San Diego. The program takes an interdisciplinary approach to identifying, evaluating, and managing patients with osteoporosis and those at high risk for fracture. In 2009, her team was awarded the James A. Vohs Award for Quality given annually by Kaiser Permanente to honor projects that advance quality of care and demonstrate transferable, innovative techniques and knowledge.

She is an active member in the Southern California Regional Healthy Bones Committee and an active contributor to local and regional osteoporosis management protocols. As a certified clinical densitometrist (CCD), she reviews and interprets bone density scans performed at Kaiser Permanente, San Diego.

She completed a bachelor of arts degree from The University of California, San Diego and a master of science degree from The George Washington University PA Program. Lisa Voss has been practicing as a physician assistant since 2000.