Whether you’re looking for general information related to bone health or for more specific guidance on issues related to osteoporosis or osteopenia, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll find information supported by the latest scientific research that comes from the nation’s leading osteoporosis experts.
4BoneHealth promotes healthy bones for life. Education about prevention and treatment of osteoporosis for all ages and stages is our goal by providing evidence-based information from experts in the bone health field. Our focus of education is 4 groups:
- kids
- teens
- adults
- seniors
True prevention starts in childhood. That’s the time to start bone healthy habits. It is never too early or too late to improve your bone health.
Knowledge Gap
A large gap exists between perception and reality in bone health. Osteoporosis is the most common health problem in women and affects men too. Since osteoporosis is a silent disease, you may not know you are at high risk for fracture until one occurs. Even then the dots are not necessarily connected. A broken bone is blamed commonly on tripping or falling hard instead of the real cause — fragile bones.
Get The Facts, News & Views
We believe getting the facts increases awareness and education that will help boost your bone health at any age.
4BoneHealth.org is designed to provide an online evidence-based resource for bone health information to bridge the gap between knowledge of facts and assimilation of bone healthy practices in your day-to-day routine over your lifetime and those of your family. We offer educational resources for every age group and stages of bone health, dynamic up-to-date commentary authored by experts in osteoporosis, what’s new in research, frequently asked questions, and links to other resources.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, let us know what you would like to see and learn about or to make the 4BoneHealth.org experience better by sending us an email at info@4bonehealth.org.
Give/Get Involved
Join us on Facebook to share information with one another. We invite you to share your experiences or of a loved one living with osteoporosis, trade tips and tricks in optimizing bone health for your children, forward a favorite bone-healthy recipe, and interact with osteoporosis experts by asking a question.
Help us spread the word about healthy bones for life. Each article on 4BoneHealth.org includes buttons at the bottom of the page that allow you to e-mail or share content with others. Share, share, share. Let us know your ideas on how to “spread the word.”
Please join us in the fight against childhood fractures and adult osteoporosis today. Our 2014 focus is Teen Education. We are partnering with California State University-San Marcos (Cal State-SM) to produce videos, applications, and gamify educational materials for teens. A donation, whatever the size will a difference for this project. Your donations are tax-deductible. Donate today.