Engage in regular physical activity. Bone requires physical activity to stay in shape. Mechanical strain on the bone provided by activity helps to maintain bone. A total of 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises on most days of the week is recommended. If you are already active, turn it up a notch by increasing the time and intensity.
Do something you like. But impact and resistance exercises are the best to promote bone building. Incorporate weight-bearing and weight-resistive exercises in your exercise routine.
Vary your routine. Do a combination of cardiovascular exercises, stretching, weight training, and resistance work. Alternate days of cardio and muscle strengthening or focus on separate muscle groups, such as upper body one day, lower body the next.
Spend more time on your feet. Maintaining good bone requires more time than just time in the gym. During the day stay active and avoid long periods of sitting. Everything you do while in motion counts as physical activity including household work, gardening, and walking.
Build and maintain core strength. The goal is to prevent falls and make you more stable on your feet. In later life, 90 percent of broken hips are a result of falling. Keep engaging your core muscles to work on improving your balance.
Start with simple balance exercises. Walk heel-to-toe. Balance on one leg. Then close your eyes while balancing on one leg. Challenge yourself further by standing on a BOSU® Balance Trainer (start with the dome side up then advance to the platform side up), a core board, or a balance platform.
Incorporate balance and core exercises. Try a workout sitting on an exercise ball instead of sitting on a bench. This works on your focused muscle group plus balance at the same time. Lift your arm weights while standing on a BOSU® Balance Trainer (start with the dome side up then advance to the platform side up), a core board, or a balance platform.